Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Jacob @jacobl89
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Jacob @jacobl89
How long until the prosecution says something stupid again?
Aka-san @redhawk
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Aka-san @redhawk
Anytime soon
Jacob @jacobl89
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Jacob @jacobl89
The prosecution is so sunk.
Veru @verucassault
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Veru @verucassault
Man that prosecutor's skin would crawl if I could describe in great detail what I used to do to Sims to populate my lots with ghost Sims.
Jacob @jacobl89
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Jacob @jacobl89
Imagine arguing and telling a judge not to interrupt you. And this is right after the judge had reason to dismiss/mistrial the case with prejudice because you tried using Kyle's fifth amendment right against him.
And a lot of people I see in like chats are like why isn't he just mistrialing the case now?
The simple answer is he can do all of this later so there's no reason to rush it now. Let all the arguments get out let all the witnesses testify and then make your ruling.
I see no way of Kyle being convicted after this not even from a bias jury seeing this. There's no way even an unreasonable human being sees this and thinks that Kyle shouldn't be found innocent. If these people exist they need to be kept far away from the rest of society.
Veru @verucassault
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Veru @verucassault
Wow. This interaction with the Prosecution and the Judge is going on longer than I anticipated. This is saucy stuff.
Jacob @jacobl89
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Jacob @jacobl89
This is going viral. That judge was so chill until now.
Rule one of Court don't piss off the judge,
Rule 2 of Court do not argue with the judge.
Rule 3 of Court If the judge is screaming at you shut the f******.
Veru @verucassault
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Veru @verucassault
Prosecution got snarky, I understand why the Judge lost his cool. But through walking through his decision (the Judge), props to him for citing sources and the literature that backs his decision.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Aka-san @redhawk
Based Judge
Jacob @jacobl89
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Kyle Rittenhouse predictions
Jacob @jacobl89
Very based. I love this judge.
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