Which anime character do you love?

campione @campione
Which anime character do you love?
campione @campione
I want to know if any males or females are in love with any anime characters. Or is there a character you wish you could be?

Xinpaca @xinmage
commented on
Which anime character do you love?
Xinpaca @xinmage
Easy, Satoru Gojo for all of the above. https://mangathrill.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/EnBGVZUVcAAEKM7.jpg

teardropandstar @teardropandstar
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Which anime character do you love?
teardropandstar @teardropandstar

teardropandstar @teardropandstar
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Which anime character do you love?
teardropandstar @teardropandstar

turtwig @turtwigz
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Which anime character do you love?
turtwig @turtwigz

Xinpaca @xinmage
commented on
Which anime character do you love?
Xinpaca @xinmage

Lamby @momoichi
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Which anime character do you love?
Lamby @momoichi
Kotarou is probably my favorite anime character ever. He's hilarious, expressive, passionate, bullies/gets bullied, and i know for a fact he is deeply in love with egghead and is just too tsun to say so. Makes him even cuter that he's not just loud af, he's also shy af. If he yelled "OHAYOGOSAIMASU" into my ear with a megaphone and blew out my eardrums I'd be happy knowing that that was the last thing I would ever hear. He's cute, hot, funny, and I love him.

scanago21 @scanago21
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Which anime character do you love?
scanago21 @scanago21


rashawn12 @rashawn12
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Which anime character do you love?
rashawn12 @rashawn12
Truck-kun u///u

rashawn12 @rashawn12
commented on
Which anime character do you love?
rashawn12 @rashawn12

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