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Genshin Impact

Oct 12, 20 at 9:30pm
Good to know. But I don't think I will reach 90 by the time they switch banners. I assume it is 90 pulls per banner and not 90 pulls in general. Like I used 20 wishes on the starting banner, then maybe 10 or more on the another.
Oct 13, 20 at 10:03pm
Man! So I log in to get my 7th day reward of 200 gems so I can get a free spin on the wheel and Genshin Impact fucks me over by removing the feature. - Seriously some horse shit right there. I mean I go a whole 6 days waiting to get that sweet 200 credits and it's like, haha! LIED!
Oct 13, 20 at 10:09pm
Oct 13, 20 at 10:10pm
More like FUCK YOU where is our $3000 so you can have maxed out 5 star characters.
i paid 0 $ on this and I also got 0 5 star but instead I focus on my current ones and try to hit the 2k ATK base stats. Current event is also shit :c
Oct 14, 20 at 3:55am
Ohoho there's a game called Honkai Impact by the same developers. Maybe I can play that.
I used to play honkai impact
Oct 30, 20 at 7:50am
I was happy that I finally found the last statue piece in Mondstat. It was complete trash how the item didn't even show up on the map like all the others. It was one over by that vineyard headed to Chinatown. I know it isn't called Chinatown, but... - What do you want I'm American! - So that is that. I am almost done finishing completion of the Geo statue too, however, given the mind numbing weeks it took me running in circles with a useless map, I dare not push my luck. Any more time spent on GI hearing my characters repeat, "Adventure Time. I wonder when I'll be as big as my older sister? Let's hurry on to the next objective. This is not the way brotha' HAAAaaahAAaah! HEheheHO!!! (Insert anything that comes out of Paimon's big mouth)" - I'ma properly institutionalize myself. - So yeah. No more GI for a month solid. Or at least until they finish the story mode.
I managed to get diluc feeling hella lucky
yoooooooooo wtf this is lucky. Congratz
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