Genshin Impact
Criselington @criselington
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Genshin Impact
Criselington @criselington
The only reason I have as many characters as I do is I've been playing since launch and pretty much all my four stars are c6 so I get those refund wishes.
Curlymity @forgetmenot
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Genshin Impact
Curlymity @forgetmenot
Got damn lucky pulling Emilie outta nowhere earlier during her time, besides her, I've got a few back pocket 5stars in Jean, Keqing, and that free Tighnari. Emilie is the only one I've incorporated into my main team though, consisting of Xiangling, Emilie, Yanfei, and Beidou. Quite the brutal group of folks, can say that much. Xiangling is my only c6 char now tho.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Genshin Impact
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Order on the mobile app to get some DLC. Also be careful of Baidou. According to the warning label on the box she's "HOT!"
Arc @arc
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Genshin Impact
Arc @arc
Holy crap that's cool! McDonald's is my favorite fast food place. There must be a bunch of weebs in upper management now with all the anime-related events they've had over the last 2 years.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Genshin Impact
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Before this McDonald's was giving out Hello Kitty toys dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh monsters.
Arc @arc
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Genshin Impact
Arc @arc
lol wow that's funny
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