Otaku Creeps

isley @isley
Otaku Creeps
isley @isley
I'm a guy and still get weirdos hitting on me before checking my gender, is there any way to report or otherwise out these creeps to stop them doing it to anyone else? (I genuinely feel bad for girls on this site..) (*  ̄︿ ̄)

Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
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Otaku Creeps
Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
From a glance you look a lot like a younger Ryan Reynolds.
As for weird people, usually reporting screen shots to a mod such as Lamby @momoichi or Panda @hell_hound7 can help.

isley @isley
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Otaku Creeps
isley @isley
Thanks, a shorter Ryan Reynolds too but I'll take the complement! (unless you mean from deadpool XD)
And brilliant, just DM them?

Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
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Otaku Creeps
Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
Yes. Send them a screen shot and they can direct it to the proper administrative authority.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Otaku Creeps
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Tbh there isnt much we can do, like yeah we can ban them (which i havr done) but they come back under a different name doing the same thing

isley @isley
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Otaku Creeps
isley @isley
Christ that sucks, yeah site looks a bity shaky ngl. If I can send you a DM I'll forward it along, might just require a warning.

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Otaku Creeps
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Like that Matrix guy. Strangely I haven't had any creepy people hit on me. Or anyone for that matter. Thankful for the former.

Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
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Otaku Creeps
Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
Well when Charles was moderating he was able to assist myself a couple of times. Never had an issue since.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Otaku Creeps
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I mean for you no, but i have seen the same guy's dick in the same picture multiple times solely off of different people reporting it

isley @isley
commented on
Otaku Creeps
isley @isley
I think the likelihood goes up exponentially if you have a real profile pic. I've had blatant scammers/catfishers want nudes off me on multiple occasions, and I'm online like once a week
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