Weird Thing About New Accounts

ubermensch @ubermensch
Weird Thing About New Accounts
ubermensch @ubermensch
Many new accounts have one or both of these anime in their favorites... and nothing or little else.
-Great Teacher Onizuka
-Shinshoku Kiss
I've never even heard of these.
Are these real accounts that just happen to like these?
Are they default picks?
Or have I never heard of these two apparently popular titles?

LilyYazawa @lilyyazawa
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
LilyYazawa @lilyyazawa
Great Teacher Onizuka is a popular anime and it being liked by multiple people isnt surprising

Usami_Migsuki @usami_migsuki
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
Usami_Migsuki @usami_migsuki
im also a new acc. never heard of Great Teacher Onizuka. might give it a go sometime

Tiki @tiddy
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
Tiki @tiddy
This account has been suspended.

ubermensch @ubermensch
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
ubermensch @ubermensch
Okay but what about Shinshoku Kiss?
I saw yet another new account today with ONLY that manga liked, and NOTHING else.

Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
I tell you what's really weird. Why is Light Turner...
I mean Yagami in Jump Force, huh?

ubermensch @ubermensch
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
ubermensch @ubermensch
Is he playable now???

Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
Gabriel @gabriel_a_true
Hell no! Think they'd bother making the game actually interesting or fun?

ubermensch @ubermensch
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
ubermensch @ubermensch
Maybe it's good that I never played it LOL

arcsarcanum @arcsarcanum
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Weird Thing About New Accounts
arcsarcanum @arcsarcanum
I'm fairly new Can't speak for Shinshoku Kiss but GTO its a classic and is widely considered a go especially during its time. Anyone that hasn't should least give it a shot.
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