Anyone got PC games??

Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
Anyone got PC games??
Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
Just looking for some people play CS:GO and destiny 2 with.

BlackHeart @blackheart323
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
BlackHeart @blackheart323
^^ im down for Destiny 2 sometiems

Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
We could try and find people to a raid

BlackHeart @blackheart323
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
BlackHeart @blackheart323
Good idea.

Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
What’s your current light?

Rokas @sparkis
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
Rokas @sparkis
Oh yeaaa I need to download destiny too! But im a little bad at it tbh xD

BlackHeart @blackheart323
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
BlackHeart @blackheart323
@sparkis let's be noobs thogether XDD

Rokas @sparkis
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
Rokas @sparkis

Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
Remioactive.TTV @remioactive
I can try to carry you guys

Wik @wik
commented on
Anyone got PC games??
Wik @wik
If you got EPIC app on your PC, they are giving ARK for free and some samurai shodown games.
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