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that lonely feeling =_=||

were you live? if i may ask?
Oct 24, 12 at 8:28pm
Same here Michigan.
that's cool im from pa
Tis a bad feeling to have and it may be a downer but I keep reminding myself that there will be someone out there for me. I don't know when, where, or how but that time will come. I do have female friends and I know that some I have had feelings for them and I feel they may have been ignored or not recognized but I just tell myself I must move forward for I keep this in my mind. "I may not be special to one person, but I shall be special to another." We must remember to not sell ourselves short and keep our confidence on high!
I agree comletely! We are all special and I'm sure we will all find that someone <3
Oct 25, 12 at 7:48pm
I agree. There is somebody out there for each of us and we have to search to look for that person. :D This site can help a lot in that department.
If the girls don't appreciate you now, then they certainly don't deserve your attention when you're even more awesome later. It's their loss in my opinion, am I right?
I sure wouldn't ignore you. I do talk to ppl who are willing to talk to me first. I do understand your pain. I feel lonely too.
Jan 24, 13 at 5:57pm
We've all gone through those times. I'll get stretches of days where I'll get frustrated with the dating game, especially right after more or less getting rejected by I girl I might have had some interest in. It usually subsides after awhile.
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