What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online

. @atom_kitty_kat
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @atom_kitty_kat
I've had some pretty weird experiences so I'm curious for other's

. @sxfe
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @sxfe
Being threatened to be eaten alive. Actually, there's more scarier shit than this. Does it scare me? Nah, im prolly worse tha person who said that lmao.

. @atom_kitty_kat
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @atom_kitty_kat
@sxfe that sounds horrifying...

. @sxfe
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @sxfe
@atom_kitty_kat Ikr, like you're gettin' used to it when you're always on this line.

. @sxfe
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @sxfe
There was many guys who tried to turn me gay lmao. Most of them were adults

. @atom_kitty_kat
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @atom_kitty_kat
@sfxe dang dude lol

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
I have one from a hunting trip. In the middle of the woods and I hear the distant crunching of twigs and leaves. I duck down and ready my rifle since it sounded fairly heavy, it was no squirrel. Then a sudden air pressure change and me left ear going deaf for a moment followed by the crack of rifle fire. I yelled out, "Hold your fire!"
The fellow hunter rose out from behind a log where I heard the leaves and twigs waving his arms. He apologized profusely. At least I knew he wasn't trying to kill me on purpose since he didn't fire again after I shouted to him. I have to admit I was rather shaken up. That bullet came within a foot of my head and he was using a .223 rifle. I was literally inches from death.

. @atom_kitty_kat
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @atom_kitty_kat
@dyadka_yar wow lol close call

. @sxfe
commented on
What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
. @sxfe
One time a guy pulled a knife on my neck from the back in front of the class. I didn't move. I was aware that it was just an act but knife was so close i was like better not move.

Vagene @ahuman
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What's the weirdest,strangest or scariest thing that happened to you irl/online
Vagene @ahuman
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