Games That Touched Your Heart

Beyonder @beyonder
Games That Touched Your Heart
Beyonder @beyonder
Drop a video here, or describe a scene from a video game that touched your heart and soul.
I'll begin with Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and the story of the Toy Maker.
Can you guess why the Toy Maker is crying in the end? What is it that he has remembered about Dracula? When you realize it, that's when it hits you...

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
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Games That Touched Your Heart
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Nothing touches me more than the ending of Super Mario Galaxy.
If it is not Rosalina's backstory that gets you, the ending scene of all Lumas sacrificing themselves to the universe destroying black hole will.

underrated @underrated
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Games That Touched Your Heart
underrated @underrated
This account has been suspended.

ikurumaru @ikurumaru
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Games That Touched Your Heart
ikurumaru @ikurumaru
Near the end of Last of Us had me all two inches from my screen in tears xD

. @atom_kitty_kat
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Games That Touched Your Heart
. @atom_kitty_kat
Persona 5 lol I never enjoyed a game like that in so long

Deri @deri
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Games That Touched Your Heart
Deri @deri
@atom_kitty_kat I'm almost done with it. NÖ SPÖÖLERS! Also, Futaba is too cute to ignore for Tae!

Deri @deri
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Games That Touched Your Heart
Deri @deri

. @atom_kitty_kat
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Games That Touched Your Heart
. @atom_kitty_kat
@deri yush

MagicalGirlSophia @magicalgirlsophia
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Games That Touched Your Heart
MagicalGirlSophia @magicalgirlsophia
Some character backstories in Fire Emblem Three Houses had me like ;_; .

Whisp @whispywoods
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Games That Touched Your Heart
Whisp @whispywoods
It's not like they made me teary or anything like that, but as a kid when I played Golden Sun and Fire Emlem 7, those were the first (and last) games I felt part of an adventure/story, so those were some special games.
That magic get lost after playing more and more stuff.
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