Questionable relationships?

Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
Questionable relationships?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
Life is strange. Most have had a few relationships under their belt. Some have had rough patches, and others have warm regrets. About a year and a half ago I was unlucky enough to get sucked into a fling with this barista. I was stupid, we dated for several months up until I left Texas some time ago. It was an unrequited love. BUT! She was married haha... What are some of your stories?

kuruoshi tetsu @kuruoshi
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Questionable relationships?
kuruoshi tetsu @kuruoshi
Im 1st yr in college, had this thing with one of my classmates, lasted for about 3 months, she even got scared cause she thought she got pregnant but her period just came late, then she left me now i feel like shit, and we still have to see each other in class for the next 4 years...

Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
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Questionable relationships?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
@kuruoshi Pain, if she left you though that means you are free from any regret. What's done is done.

Vagene @ahuman
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Questionable relationships?
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
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Questionable relationships?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles

@ahuman as long as we had fun :)

maruhentai @maruhentai
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Questionable relationships?
maruhentai @maruhentai
i have a hard time functioning when a girl is crying, this one girl would cry everytime i confronted her (calmy) about anything. so i ended up giving her way too many chances v.v

Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
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Questionable relationships?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles

@maruhentai She doesn't seem very mature if she couldn't handle conversations well. Unless you held her at gunpoint everytime lol

^-^ @charlie_xoxo
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Questionable relationships?
^-^ @charlie_xoxo
My ex asked me to shave off my eyebrows to prove I loved him -_-

Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
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Questionable relationships?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
@charlie_xoxo Lmao mf was looking for a ride-or-die. Jokes aside, that's fuckin weird... so specific why eyebrows?

^-^ @charlie_xoxo
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Questionable relationships?
^-^ @charlie_xoxo
He has an obsession with girls with sluggish eyebrows, he wanted me to shave em and draw them back on like every other typical British girl
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