HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.

Reign_Carter @reign_carter
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
Reign_Carter @reign_carter
I'm new here and just looking for cool and nice people to talk to during these super boring times.

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
Amir @amir_bahram

Reign_Carter @reign_carter
commented on
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
Reign_Carter @reign_carter
Oh jeez thanks bro

palerider @palerider
commented on
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
palerider @palerider
Great the emperor is on here now

balefire @balefire
commented on
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
balefire @balefire
You....could. It's an option. Have you asked the wall's feelings on the matter?

obsidiancore @obsidiancore
commented on
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
obsidiancore @obsidiancore
I say: lick it

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
commented on
HELP!!!!. super bored and debating whether or not to ram my head through a brick wall.
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
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