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What is your best big PP moment?

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i thought i had big pp when i first vaped
I punched a bully. Unfortunately, I had to be suspended over it. But man it felt so satisfying to do in grade school.
Apr 30, 20 at 9:15am
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Transfer student joins school and finds out that Im this schools MUDAFUKING CHESS MASTER. She comes to me and says, (In a bitchy voice) “I've won every single Chess competition in my previous school and I have 4 trophies. I bet I can beat you in a game. Im gonna show u what a real Chess master looks like” So we start playing the next day in our school and our parents were there as well. She kept loosing pawn after pawn and soon her Queen was gone. She looked so frustrated and all this time I had this shit eating grin on my face. I won. she went to her parents and looked really sad. I would be lying if I said I felt bad for her. THIS IS WHY YOU DONT CHALLENGE THE MUDAFUKING CHESS MASTER.
Apr 30, 20 at 9:44am
I got a merit in my cookery, was expecting a pass but I got a merit on each section except from a balanced diet lmao
Getting featured in a few gaming news articles for my work over the years.
Got a link, Rei?
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For some reason, Arc edited his message and took it out but I will go ahead and say on his behalf. He snuck a surprise MTG card into my deck while we were playing. The most expensive card I wanted at the time. I had got up to get a drink or something and when I came back and drew my next card it was in my hand and I was confused. It seriously took me like 2 minutes to process what was in my hand. It's always $50.00+ in price. So not only did he pull a big PP surprise move on me but he actually shocked the hell out of me. https://6d4be195623157e28848-7697ece4918e0a73861de0eb37d08968.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/52191_200w.jpg
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