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Maiotaku (unofficial) dating section

I think... This is a pretty nice idea. Most folks jump right into this site come with the intention that it's a dating site and it's kind of misleading since most of the threads here are literally memes, shitposting, and random anime discussions and whatnot.(And of course I need not mention the creeps and trolls that lurk in the background stalking users) I personally didn't come into that mindset since I was mostly interested in making friends myself. But for those who are serious about dating this is definitely a good step in the right direction. I think this'll give people better insight about users and what they're possibly looking for if they're serious enough or whatever?
Yeah I just joined this community, and its already getting an overhaul.
It sure has changed alot since I first joined xD
do the devs even update this site anymore? or is this site just kind of abandoned??
Bro this site just recently got updated. Seph is on here alot.
Also this is what the site looked like in 2016 (RIP NAPALM)
ok thats good. at least its still being worked on more or less. but it seems like theres still a lot that needs to be fixed. i can see a big improvement from those images but the site's still janky and buggy and it still isn't really good at serving its purpose.
Well I think this idea will help alot from my years of experience here
ok then. I just wanna see this site succeed because it looks like a great idea. so ill do whatever i can to help.
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