Knowing the signs of a problem.

TheCrossbow @isee
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
TheCrossbow @isee
This account has been suspended.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I will! If I get any pictures I will share them on MO for sure!

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
What is love? Does it hurt?

ookamilw @ookamilw
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
ookamilw @ookamilw
If done right, yes. If done wrong, yes.

Rain @rainx
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
Rain @rainx
I get the impression from @Gabriel's story that she was definitely interested in you, but you weren't acting like most of her other "friends" towards her i.e. messaging her at every available second. Some girls are just so used to guys constantly fawning after them, when someone who has a bit more of hands off approach to communication like he does, they don't quite know how to interpret that and just take it as you're ignoring them. Your logical brain is saying I asked you something but you never responded for days to that doesn't jive with her "why isn't he constantly messaging me like all the other guys" in hers because you frankly have a much more "zero fucks given" approach when it comes to finding someone. It doesn't control your every whim like it can for a lot of guys.
Ultimately it just comes down to a maturity thing. Girls like that who can't "settle" on someone just aren't worth it a lot of the time no matter how attractive or interesting they might be. You either like someone or you don't. More power to you if you can find a meaningful open relationship or just jump between multiple partners, but don't expect a guy who probably wants something more serious and knows what he's looking for to put up with your pinball dating lifestyle.

makgeolli @makgeolli
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
makgeolli @makgeolli
When someone is being super clingy, possessive, and insecure about you hanging out with other people. Especially when they ask for shit like your passwords to social media. That's a huge red flag. Yes it is important to spend time with your partner, but they also need to respect that you have a life as well.

violeta31 @violeta31
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
violeta31 @violeta31
Being overprotective and really jealous. Also when they dictate what their partner should wear. Always restricting your partner's actions and not letting them hangout with their friends. Asking for account passwords too!

ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
This account has been suspended.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Knowing the signs of a problem.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Story about a user on here
So this one girl posts a response on my page out of the blue seeming genuinely interested. I was like oh wow a girl whom i dont know seems to have taken an interest in me based off my bio alone. It seemes very genuine.
Eventually her and i start talking and i shoot her a friend request because she seems cool. Seemed like my type of girl. She would start flirting with me here and there and our messages were very long and drawn out (also public btw) so it was very apparent something was going on here.
She would then start bragging about how i was head over heels for her and i played along. She claimed because she was pretty and asian i must be in love with her automatically i was interested but she did something that made me lose all interest. I saw her then hit on my friend and ask to go on a date since they lived fairly close to each other.
Seeing as we were kind of talking nonstop to each other and it was clear she knew i liked her seemed kinda strang to all of the sudden go after someone else. She got denied or something and comes back to her regular teasing me about liking her. But i lost all interest at that point. Instead i just dont agree with her saying i had feelings. I just did it in a playful way saying she THOUGHT i did.
She then adds on a game that was my favorite at the time. And we play together one night. She goes into a story about how she is on a different anime site. And that the guys there fall in love with her because she is so nice and she hates it and them she never has feelings fornthem. And then tells me she will stop being friends with me cuz i am the same. I assure her ibhave no feelings for her. She then tells me how she will leave Mo blah blah blah. Idk why. But then she starts flirting again. Asking me what I would do if she kissed me and wanted me to stay up with her all night
Following day she is stoll on the site this tome commenting to another guy and i jokingly saying "i thought you were been leaving the site". Some friends comment they ship us together. And that i flort with her too much. I then say i dont flirt with her she flirts with me. she blows up and calls me a stalker and saying she has a bf. To which i retaliate guessing she thought people would gang up on me. But what she didnt know was that i told others before hand i didnt like her because of what she did with my friend.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Knowing the signs of a problem.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Sorry you went through that Panda-kun.
As I stated in my tale, I find there are a number of mentally unwell people looking for anyone to cling to. However all I can recommend when faced with such dilemmas is to peacefully back out and leave them to their ramblings. Anything you say or do will leave yourself open to a lunatic's wrath and ain't nobody got time for that!
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