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My perfect ideal dream woman.

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It's logical if he does a post with this kind of title that he's not expecting everyone to agree with him. Of course people will express their opinions. All the threads in this forum have this as an objective: discussion.
"Welcome to the Internet", uhuh.
Man, it is not only welcome to the Internet but real life. Tell me, how do you face people? They are always going to say their opinions if you tell something to them. Normal conversations are also mostly based on this. Have you never ever handled harsh comments? Maybe bullying? Because this is obviously not the slightest near those descriptions. Why do you feel so sensitive about it? I'm genuinely asking you this.
Sep 28, 15 at 1:43pm
Cursed, how do you even survive online? People behind screens are the most straightforward. Far more straightforward than they would be offline and therefore far more rude and offensive than they'd ever be offline.. If you post on an open forum you should be able to handle the responses.
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Pffft... I have no white knights. White knight implies someone wants to "protect" me. Hell, I barely talk to anyone on a one on one basis from here (Sorry, just to many kids.). If you're gonna say I'm "butthurt" don't be offended when I say I'm not. Also, I'm blunt, but you seem to missread A LOT.
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When did he threaten you? He is just expressing his opinion and you called him butthurt how is he butthurt?
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