What are you doing for valentine days?

The Legal Loli @pandahero3
What are you doing for valentine days?
The Legal Loli @pandahero3
If you have plans for Valentine's Day what are you doing? If you don't have plans what do you wish you were doing?

sleepycub @sleepycub
commented on
What are you doing for valentine days?
sleepycub @sleepycub
Doing Passouts, Deliverence

finrando_utsuro @finrando_utsuro
commented on
What are you doing for valentine days?
finrando_utsuro @finrando_utsuro
Valentine's Day = any other day.
No plans.

CAC @cac
commented on
What are you doing for valentine days?
CAC @cac
Sitting at home alone watching YouTube and anime. Dying inside even more.

Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
commented on
What are you doing for valentine days?
Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
I haven't even prepared for classes next week.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What are you doing for valentine days?
Lamby @momoichi
fuck i didn't realize it's coming up
watching anime and eating candy

casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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What are you doing for valentine days?
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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What are you doing for valentine days?
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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GameOver @literallgarbage
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What are you doing for valentine days?
GameOver @literallgarbage
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casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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What are you doing for valentine days?
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
This account has been suspended.
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