Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
Argile @chefargile
Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
Argile @chefargile
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casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Countdown till a wild Aleph appears to make a smart post hehe! But thanks Argile. Appreciate the support. Good friends are hard to find but in dire need for anyone.
oromato @oromato
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
oromato @oromato
This is great
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
You think life is not treating you well ?
Think again.
There's a lot of people who're having worse days than you.
There's that paralysed kid who wants to play with others but can't.
There's that guy who didn't get the credit he deserved for working day and night on the company project, since someone close to him snatched it from him.
Still think you have it worse than them ????
There's a guy on here (requested to be kept anonymous) who's tried to jump off from the 10th floor balcony every week for an entire year.
People do self harm by slitting their wrists ??
This guy would stab his hands with burning incense so that others won't notice the marks.
He had no one to help him, and he was afraid to ask for help since he was sure that word would spread and others would make fun of him.
So...... don't think that you have it bad. Think of it as , "This could've been much worse and I'm lucky that it isn't. "
Things will turn out absolutely fine. Everything is a test. As long as you keep calm,work hard and think straight, you'll get what you deserve
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Argile @chefargile
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
Argile @chefargile
This account has been suspended.
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Feeling Bad Or Need Cheering Up? Come over here!
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Real people are in this world too to support and guide anyone with the courage to believe in themselves!
Shiny Chariot may be a fictional character, yet we make the best parts of her real in our actions.
Stay true to yourself because there is love in what we choose to create.
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