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Where does one go after Ergo Proxy?

I really enjoyed the show, I almost liked being strung along for endless episodes left in the dark. Pino was so adorable, a perfect relief from the ongoing mysteries - and the cyberpunk atmosphere was exactly what I was wanting... I'm just not sure where to go from here, does anything else compare? I've already watched PsychoPass in the past, and the Blame! movie... I'm looking for something with stunning visuals and characters with deep personalities ... ideally a cyberpunk atmosphere. Something philosophical, or psychological. (I prefer dubbed, so good voice acting is also a factor...) While I wait for suggestions, I think I'll check out Speed Grapher.
Watch Serial Experiments Lain, it’s a psychological show with crazy visuals. And the dub is pretty good for 90’s standards
I second Serial Experiments Lain, or Haibane Renmei. You might also like Wolf's Rain
Ergo Proxy is definitely one of my all-time favourites. It's sad that these types of shows don't see the light of day anymore. If you haven't watched it, then you can definitely try Cowboy Bebop. Shinsekai yori is an anime series with a similar vibe and it also has deep philosophical undercurrents just below the surface. Ghost in the Shell is also really cool cyberpunk (I'd suggest the 1995 as a starting point). Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade is an anime movie that might be up your alley as well.
(Fricken spambots, amirite? Thanks for the report.) Oh man, Ergo Proxy. I don't think I ever ended up finishing that one. Actually, I do know of quite a few anime that have similar themes. The first one that comes to mind is kinda a shared universe that while isn't exactly cyber punk, does delve deep into the themes of science and psychology in post a modern setting. https://www.anime-planet.com/images/lists/science-adventure-timeline-72076.jpg The Science Adventure Series: These animes all take place in the same universe. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODkyMTQ2MjAtYTM4Ny00ZGU5LThiYjItYTdhMzVjYTI0NGJlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzgxODM4NjM@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child: Deeply psychological, focused on individuals with reality altering powers. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjUxMzE4ZDctODNjMS00MzIwLThjNDktODkwYjc5YWU0MDc0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3OTE4Nzk@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg Stein's;Gate: A story about time travel, and features a mad scientist type protagonist. (And dem feels. Oof.) https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51VGKjmlFFL._SX342_.jpg Robotics;Notes: Kinda a reverse engineering of the mecha genre that realistically asks the question; "What would happen if you really tried to make a giant robot?" Two high school students embark down this path, and... Well, lots of secret government projects, cover ups, and conspiracies lay in wait to be discovered. And it is fucking amazing. (I haven't seen or played Occultic Nine yet, so I can't say anything about it.) https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZDkxMTdmMDgtZmQ1NC00NzZlLWIxMjgtMjkyMTFlZjI3OWZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQ0OTA1Nzc@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/cmx-images-prod/Series/110981/110981._SX360_QL80_TTD_.jpg https://cdn.myanimelist.net/r/360x360/images/anime/1160/99995.jpg?s=3f8575845d0ce1e088869b3e5d9b33ea Another shared universe that features some cyberpunk elements crossing over with magical societies as the boundaries start to blur together would be the "A Certain Magical Index" series. More so the two spin offs, "A Certain Scientific Railgun" (Once you get past the early "Cute girls doing cute things" stuff, it gets pretty dark) and the even darker "A Certain Scientific Accelerator", though both tend to lend and overlap with the overall index series. Index itself doesn't really pick up till later seasons, as it may start out feeling generic as hell, but slowly builds up these overlapping stories as religious cabals and corporate conspiracies start to spill into each other. I can say that they do a lot of research in the magical philosophies, and science. Other cyberpunk series: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51RUTm0SiNL._AA256_.jpg Akira: Just throwing this one out there, because like Ghost in the Shell, you can't really mention anime and cyberpunk in the same sentence without mentioning this, so even if you've seen this classic and are tired of hearing about it, it's being mentioned. Just in case. https://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/thumbnails/fit200x200/encyc/A848-2.jpg Armatage: This is less an anime series, and more a series of movies. But it's one of those anime cyberpunk classics about a badass robot girl doing badass things. Great if you're in the mood for a classic cyberpunk action series that isn't as well known as Akira or Ghost in the Shell. https://cdn.myanimelist.net/r/360x360/images/anime/8/86304.jpg?s=9eb27ad38fa2233108bbfe4713e77cf1 Dimension W: More of a world building narrative that explores a world that is tapping into a free energy source that they don't quite understand, and the consequences that come with it, through the eyes of an investigator of sorts. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYWRiYjQyOGItNzQ1Mi00MGI1LWE3NjItNTg1ZDQwNjUwNDM2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg Ghost in the shell series: Just like Akira, mentioning this with the assumption you've already seen it, seeing as how it's just impossible to mention cyberpunk and anime in the same sentence without this series being brought up. It's been very influential on not just anime as a medium, but on the cyberpunk genre as a whole. Wrestling with themes of human identity, artificial intelligence, and the human condition. There. It's been mentioned. Now we could move on. http://www.animegenesis1.com/uploads/1/1/4/5/114583369/no-guns-life-folder_orig.png No Gun's Life: As ridiculous as it sounds, its about a detective with a gun for a head, but I assure you, this is probably the closest thing I've seen to ergo proxy in a while, and it really does dwell pretty comfortably with its dystopian cyberpunk world. http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/productimages/1347.jpg Solty Rei: A robot ends up in the care of a bounty hunter. I can assure you though, if you liked Ergo Proxy, you'll most likely enjoy this one as well. Other Psychological anime: https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/mj-1.png?w=640&h=424 Angel Beats: Delves into the concept of acceptance and rejection of a group of characters who have passed away, and the reality they now find themselves living in. https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/655c6c1e-2bce-47cc-8190-4008a1b051ce_1.131c67f3a71b25b9cf603f26d200c246.jpeg?odnWidth=450&odnHeight=450&odnBg=ffffff Angels of Death: Does a lot of justice to the psychology of serial killers. https://cdn.myanimelist.net/r/360x360/images/anime/1327/95777.jpg?s=a22912ba46e497ab9121e4838b4619e3 Boogiepop Phantom (or "Boogie Pop and others"): A supernatural exploration of parapsychology, the structure of reality, and the human condition as ordinary people deal with it. I recommend the light novels, over the anime, but either way, you will be treated with a story that will treat you with mind fuck after mind fuck, and head scratching mysteries. Very similar to the Persona game series, which itself is based on Jungian Psychology. https://cdn.myanimelist.net/r/360x360/images/anime/5/86830.jpg?s=70f4700f36aee4c4d67a2b75ed1c8c51 Classroom of the Elite: This is actually a series about psychology, sociology, and politics, but with various school factions playing machiavellian mind games against each other. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNGJjMmNjM2EtMDAyMi00NTVlLTk1OTAtYjdhMmNkZTVlMTNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzgxODM4NjM@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg Danganronpa Series: a mystery and psychological thriller series about crazy over the top, larger than life characters who are locked in a strange killing game. https://dw9to29mmj727.cloudfront.net/products/1421594889.jpg Golden Kamui: A historical fiction, about a war veteran from the Russo/Japanese war, an Ainu girl, and various other factions of psychopaths, serial killers, and rival soldiers all looking for a large sum of lost Ainu gold in Hokaido. https://cdnimg.xyz/cover/hoshiai-no-sora.png Stars Align: It's a sports anime, except all the members have problems outside of school that are waaaay too real. And its kinda about how the team manages to pull together and flourish in spite of that. https://cdn.myanimelist.net/r/360x360/images/anime/3/52675.jpg?s=aa2dc4e84a0c9a963f572eccf05be183 Welcome to the NHK: A comical exploration of various characters and the delusional realities they construct around themselves in order to adapt to the struggles and anxieties of daily life. And of course all the other ones listed by others. Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmai, Cowboy Beebop, ect. These are timeless classics.
You just keep going. Enjoy each anime and moment as their own without comparing. You'll be okay.
No Guns life is pretty good so far. https://media1.tenor.com/images/5a91559d03bd7e6fa76b41e22effb83b/tenor.gif
Eva anyone? Evangelioooooon xD
I never really got into Eva, but yeah. It is one of the most influential mecha anime for a reason, so it's worth checking out at least once.
Texhnolyze is very good cyberpunk. It's made back in the early 2000's when the economy for anime wasn't good so the visuals are gritty but the anime suits it. It is not a happy anime. It's very bleak. You've been warned. The director made Haibane renmei and the third season of Digimon. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u3SzOzm8lmo
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