What made you join the site?

jubilantdayz @jubilantdayz
What made you join the site?
jubilantdayz @jubilantdayz
Easy question, personally, because I wanted the person that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with to like anime as much as I do haha, I wanna be dirty weebs together xD
And because I still unironically like to use "xD"

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
commented on
What made you join the site?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.

casaiiiir @casaiiiir
commented on
What made you join the site?
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
This account has been suspended.

roma_de_kappa @roma_de_kappa
commented on
What made you join the site?
roma_de_kappa @roma_de_kappa
Just wanted to find people around me that also is into the same type of things and would like to hangout.
I'm in the Boston area by the way ;)

alan_spacer @alan_spacer
commented on
What made you join the site?
alan_spacer @alan_spacer
To find love in the UK since I'll be moving there very soon. At the very least some good weeb friends like moi

Alex @alexgp
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What made you join the site?
Alex @alexgp
To meet a specific rock girl

echopie72 @echopie72
commented on
What made you join the site?
echopie72 @echopie72
Try something new

KuroK @kurok
commented on
What made you join the site?
KuroK @kurok
Originally cause it was a dating site for weebs, but didnt see that working out right away based on both the ratio and the way people actually use it, so stayed for the friendships and to kill time with people who kinda have the same interests, or are just as weird as me..... well almost

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
What made you join the site?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Who you callin' weirdo Kurok? I am here for the thrill of the meme! I won't rest until I have been remembered as that guy with the hair and face. You know the one. He likes anime and won't stop talking even though you long since stopped caring! But enough about me what about you? NEVER FEAR! WHY? BECAUSE I AM HERE! AHAHAHA!

KuroK @kurok
commented on
What made you join the site?
KuroK @kurok
Oh i was calling myself weird
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