Ohio Otaku~

Mali @mali
Ohio Otaku~
Mali @mali
Northeastern Ohio Otaku? haha. Like, by Cleveland, maybe?
Or just in Ohio. That's good too. =3

Setsuna @setsuna
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
Setsuna @setsuna
Right here

Karimoon @karimoon
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
Karimoon @karimoon
Toledo Ohio front and center lolzzz XDD

Aizen_Sousuke @aizen_sousuke
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
Aizen_Sousuke @aizen_sousuke
Mid ohio here :o

commented on
Ohio Otaku~
North Ohio reporting in.

scooterhartssalty @scooterhartssalty
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
scooterhartssalty @scooterhartssalty
I'm from Bowling Green Ohio :> college town but I love it!

ArtisticMuse @artisticmuse
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
ArtisticMuse @artisticmuse
I live in Cleveland! ^.^

Karimoon @karimoon
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
Karimoon @karimoon
See there's lots of us, now to have more meeting in concentration "besides" Ohayocon. I was just wondering a few moments ago where do other otaku meet up besides conventions? It's not like ohio has one every other weekend. I would love to meet others like me besides on my college campus or at cons. I've met mostly all on campus & most of them I don't like even for friendship. I'm having a hard time meeting people to where it could turn into something more. I guess I'm more difficult than the rest.

Damniana @damniana
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
Damniana @damniana
Dayton area, checking in!

zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
commented on
Ohio Otaku~
zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
ohio here, live in wayne which is like 20 minutes away from bowling green
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