Video Game Lyfeee

licentious @licentious
Video Game Lyfeee
licentious @licentious
Hey everyone! What does everyone play on here? Console games, PC, mobile games? Let me know! we can play online :D

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Video Game Lyfeee
Laffantion @laffantion
My username is Laffantion everywhere, no exceptions. PC, ps4 and Nintendo switch. On PC i have steam, uplay, origin, battlenet, epic, gog, xbox/Microsoft store (right now I have 2 months of game pass), Bethesda launcher and I hope those were all. I really am grateful that gog galaxy 2.0 is centralizing this hellhole of launchers.

licentious @licentious
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Video Game Lyfeee
licentious @licentious
That's so epic! I'm usually LicentiousGod on PS4, PC, Xbox, and Switch. I didn't know there was a centralizer for those launchers! Although I only have blizzard,epic,steam,uplay and nexon. I also play league >_> only for fun though, can't do ranked in that.

Laffantion @laffantion
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Video Game Lyfeee
Laffantion @laffantion
Gog galaxy 2.0 really is a live saver

Lamby @momoichi
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Video Game Lyfeee
Lamby @momoichi
i play wow
always accepting boosts

licentious @licentious
commented on
Video Game Lyfeee
licentious @licentious
xDD I was on FFXIV for a bit
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