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List 10 great things about your partner!!

Of course I am correct with my hypotheses~ https://66.media.tumblr.com/4208906453b0c2d6ef1e267fc69a5534/tumblr_pu6x4se5lC1tbp5fpo6_250.gif
Senku You just won my heart bro!! XD
Instead of genjitsu, snake used Senku. Trapped chococo like a love struck teenager.
Damn my only weakness exposed! If you stare directly into his eyes...they glow I tell ya. Specially if you talk about science
Dang bro. Bill Nye must have been the fifty shades of grey for ya! xD
I feel asleep for the last 30 Minutes in that time she sneaked in an attack... daymn my waifu is tooo cute... I can't lose this one UwU needs to show MO how UwU n OwO she is 1. Her Voice UwU I just love it so much... UwU her sleepy Voice actually makes me sleepy x3 and her good morning Voice is the best to wake up with... meanwhile yes we are dat clingy I'm sorry LOL xDDD 2. Her Tantrum or How I call em"her dedication and affection for me" UwU... everytime she does dat I know she wants my attention and I know she love me very much 3. Her snorring... xDDDDD she told me she doesn't snore and she doesn't usually xDDDD I have heard it twice but it freakin daymn cute its not like one of those ear raping sounds but more like soft UwU 4. She tells me everything I love it cause I'm usually not the one to share as much what I do all day. But I love listening to her daily UwU and OwO her stories are freaking funny if you get to hear it Idk how dats her daily life xDDDDD 5. How Cute an Wholesome she is ... you guys already saw dat ... she sniped me when I was sleeping exspecting me not to see her post at all... 6. It's because we are talking too much or sth but I even love the silent minutes in VC dat we spent with each other... idk it's just calms me idk how to describe it I know she is there and only need to call out for her and would get a reply... or not XDDD this is the next point UwU 7. Her Sleepy head XDD Yes the time I don't get a respond is always when she somehow falls asleep but note she will always tell me how much she loves me before she falls asleep I'm just to stupid to not notice. But yeah she falls asleep many times in the day idk what dat is but daymnn I love her sleey head xD 8. Talking about respect for each other Respect for each other she would be the one winning lol. She would always apologize when she falls asleep xDD 9. Her Patients She would always awaits me and welcomes me home when I come home from work or University such a good waifu 10. hmmm are there more points to add yes there are OWO!!! I will say how she always just wants to call out for me in VC or her passionate love for fried chimken or her acceptance of my hust hust* perversion (yes you guys were right I'm a pervert xDD) many more or small things to add but daymn I can't choose from all those things... 10 points are not enuff raise the bar OWO!!!
Aweeeeee <3 Cries internally. I love you! I love you! xx
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