Anime Crush

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Anime Crush
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I was wondering who your anime crush is. I've always believed anime fans search for lovers just like their anime crush. Mine is Hinata<3 With Liz from IGPX in close second.

jirotari @jirotari
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Anime Crush
jirotari @jirotari

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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Anime Crush
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I have too many to count because I like a lot of male characters. I'll just list a few.
Lawrence---Spice and Wolf
Makoto Kashino/Satsuki Hanabusa---Yumeiro Patissiere
Zero---Vampire Knight
Edgar J.C Ashenbert/Kelpie(Cain)---Earl and Fairy
Sousuke Sagara/Kurz Weber---Full Metal Panic!
Syaoran Li---Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa:Resevoir Chronicles

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Anime Crush
Phoenix @animecountryboy
1) Toph (Avatar the last airbender)
2) Misaki (vangaurd)
3) nagato (haruhi suzamiya)
4) holo (spice and wolf)
5) haruhi (haruhi suzamiya)
6) Kari (digimon)

Akira @akirawolf
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Anime Crush
Akira @akirawolf
Kneesocks - Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Deidara - Naruto
Sebastian - Kuroshitsuji
Hijikata - Hakuouki
Tahno - Legend of Korra
And probably more but my mind is blank. c:

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Anime Crush
Phoenix @animecountryboy
those are some interesting crushes akira

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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Anime Crush
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001

moonlightreaper @moonlightreaper
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Anime Crush
moonlightreaper @moonlightreaper
you all may think its funny but
Wicked Lady-Sailormoon

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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Anime Crush
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
The Otaku don't judge<3

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Anime Crush
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Sure enough, Otaku don't judge. lol
I have a good number but just to list a few.
Seiko from H.O.T.D
Ersa Fairy Tail who wouldn't ? lol
Natsuki from Ikketosen
wow... now that I'm actually thinking about this; I'm having a hard time thinking about it. I guess is easy to fall in love or at least have a crush with a charector since you see anime through some of the charecters eyes. There are so many I could name. Sure would be nice to have an adventure or two and make a bond with someone real. ^_^
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