Halo players!
kami_oni @kami_oni
Halo players!
kami_oni @kami_oni
Anyone going to get halo4?? if you do we should play together!! :3 My GT is Kami Oni
Rezikai @rezikai
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Halo players!
Rezikai @rezikai
Man, halo 4. its been what ? 12 years since I met the Chief and Cortana. Even though my 360 gathers dust compared to my pS3, i'll have to make sure it works to get it running again... hell I don't even remember my old gamer tag... time to make a new one.
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Halo players!
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
You’ll see me, GT in progress old Xbox died. :(
That Uke @thatuke
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Halo players!
That Uke @thatuke
I'm a Halo player, who of course plans to get Halo 4. My GT is iDunnoU.
Pringle @pringleofevil
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Halo players!
Pringle @pringleofevil
I am also getting Halo 4 :D my GT is Pringle of Evil if you want to add me. I'd like to go on record and say that I hope this game is better than reach was >.<
kami_oni @kami_oni
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Halo players!
kami_oni @kami_oni
I will add all of ya!! :3
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