Favorite Video Game and Why?

ChibiGanondorf @chibiganondorf
Favorite Video Game and Why?
ChibiGanondorf @chibiganondorf
I wanna see other peoples picks for what game means the most to them and why that is?
For me, It's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

½Hanzo @death_up_close
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
½Hanzo @death_up_close
Some may already know mine but I like mlbb or if not terraia...
Big fan of both

½Hanzo @death_up_close
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
½Hanzo @death_up_close
But let's get real...
Doesn't get much better than Roblox

hannes @hxnnes
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
hannes @hxnnes
ArcheAge, in my opinion the best MMORPG so far. So many possibilities. You can do what ever you want. Many PvP and PvE aspects.
I'm really looking forward to the new update. It was published by Trion before and they've ruined the game with insane pay2win things. But ArcheAge was bought by a new company and they want to release it as a pay2play game without any pay2win.

DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
need For Speed Most Wanted the Black list Version not the Want-ah-be version, because that was always a child hood game of mine when i beat the game within 2hrs. and the game was funnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ren @ren_amamiya
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
Ren @ren_amamiya
I think most people know I love Persona. It connected with me a lot, specially because of the concept behind it.

Sofia @sten
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
Sofia @sten
Legend of zelda skyward sword, idk why i just really like it.

Bitch please @tabris
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
Bitch please @tabris
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ChibiGanondorf @chibiganondorf
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
ChibiGanondorf @chibiganondorf
You mean God of War or Gears of War? XD

Bitch please @tabris
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Favorite Video Game and Why?
Bitch please @tabris
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