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DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
so i just remember I had this account Still single hmu put updated photos in on my bio thing

DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
Whats up

DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
Hey what's up single life kinda stinks
Favorite Video Game and Why?

DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
commented on
Favorite Video Game and Why?
DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
need For Speed Most Wanted the Black list Version not the Want-ah-be version, because that was always a child hood game of mine when i beat the game within 2hrs. and the game was funnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
commented on
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
DragonBaeNikki @gokuvsichigo
as time goes by , from the best TCM movie Casablanca