Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching

megafrogirl @megafrogirl
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
megafrogirl @megafrogirl
Hey, I'm new here. Just wanted to check this place out. Currently I'm watching Dr. Stone and Fire Force, both are good but I like Dr. Stone a little bit more. I just really like "battle of wits" anime. I'm also waiting for the new season of My Hero Academia.

KuroK @kurok
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
KuroK @kurok
Watch one outs if you havent seen it yet. if you like the whole battle of wits thing you will love the show.... Also welcome, MO is a weird place but a really cool one. Enjoy your stay!!
P.S. I love both of those shows so far although dr.stone has been getting alot of hate lately, it is getting soo good imo gets better with every episode
P.P.S. MHA is going to be soooo good this season cant wait

nephroxous @nephroxous
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
nephroxous @nephroxous
Been going through recommendations from friends lately, and then reading manga on the side as my main interest.
Anime wise I finished up Mob Psycho second season, Re:Zero (Rem was the only saving grace), and Made in Abyss. Have Promised Neverland and Psycho Pass still on the table, but I want to give Dorohedoro a second read, and also check out Dai Dark and maybe catch up on Aposimz first.

megafrogirl @megafrogirl
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
megafrogirl @megafrogirl
I definitely will check out one outs, sounds good. I don't even care if Dr. Stone is getting hate because I love it so far, and that's all that matters. I missed the last episode that came out so I'll watch it when I get free time. And I'm SO EXCITED for MHA too, I miss the show so much.

megafrogirl @megafrogirl
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
megafrogirl @megafrogirl
My friends have all been telling me to watch Mob Psycho. Apparently its really good, I just might

KuroK @kurok
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
KuroK @kurok
I liked it... but it has its slow moments... Worth the watch tho imo, especially since the second season is finally out.
Oh also have u seen death parade? it was such a good show also along the physiological genre, but a wayy diff premise then other shows. If you havent yet maybe start out with the movie death billiards to see if you would like it, super good.

shandiseh @shandiseh
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
shandiseh @shandiseh
Anime im watching currently is One Piece, could never stop watching this anime, Fairytale, Black Clover, Demon Slavery, Given, and Boruto. Love these anime and cant wait till the next episode. I watch other but these are my best this season.

megafrogirl @megafrogirl
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
megafrogirl @megafrogirl
I heard One Piece was really good, I just don't have the time to watch all the episodes.,Maybe I'll get around to it during a break.

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
Jessie @erendel
Hello there, welcome.

OrangeMilk @orangemilk
commented on
Hi! Let's talk about anime we're currently watching
OrangeMilk @orangemilk
I’m currently watching none, literally none
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