Celebrity crush

,.,,,, @anyuchi
Celebrity crush
,.,,,, @anyuchi
Post pictures of your celebtrity crushes and fangirl in here

Cero @cero
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Celebrity crush
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

azzajit @azzajit
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Celebrity crush
azzajit @azzajit

Obvious one

azzajit @azzajit
commented on
Celebrity crush
azzajit @azzajit


Lamby @momoichi
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Celebrity crush
Lamby @momoichi
im a ramsay bolton sexual
otherwise i dont have any celeb crushes, and none that are above superficiality
(one more pic for the road *drools*)

KuroK @kurok
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Celebrity crush
KuroK @kurok
Easy one

KuroK @kurok
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Celebrity crush
KuroK @kurok
Oh also

,.,,,, @anyuchi
commented on
Celebrity crush
,.,,,, @anyuchi
I'm wheezing

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Celebrity crush
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
There was one i really liked but i cant remember so imma go with my girl inori minase

turtwig @turtwigz
commented on
Celebrity crush
turtwig @turtwigz

Anne Hathaway & Rihanna
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