
Desie @desiehime
Desie @desiehime
Hello, I'm Desiree and I rarely type in Japanese for fear of typos.
I'm new.
I am South Florida born and raised.
Outside of anime, I like many things (such as WWE, sewing, and writing music.)
Pleased to meet you and thank you.

Light @light323
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Light @light323
はじめまして^^面白い、おまえは日本語を書いて話せる。 Welcome to maiotaku!

Desie @desiehime
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Desie @desiehime
Ah (if I read that correctly), IME does all the work for me, thank goodness.
I am still learning kanji but I'm starting with radicals so that everything is easier to write and identify.
Thank you for the welcome.

Light @light323
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Light @light323
lol learning kanji can be hard sometimes , and after a while i forget most of them haha -_- What book do you use to study japanese?

Desie @desiehime
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Desie @desiehime
I use various books and sites.
I was using Genki Japanese but it doesn't hold my attention so well, so study while still trying books on.
I was also using Pimsleur for building listening comprehension and picking up a few new vocab.

Light @light323
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Light @light323
I took Japanese 1-4 in college, and we used the Genki textbook lol It was good for learning grammar,kanji, and vocabulary. I think learning Japanese grammar is easy , but learning new Kanji and vocabulary is more difficult.

Desie @desiehime
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Desie @desiehime
When it comes to grammar, I can pick it up well when I have to read something but I can't apply it to my writing.
I would probably use Genki more often but all of my study material is in .pdf format.
I take lots of notes and leave sticky notes everywhere. It's been surprisingly effective.

Light @light323
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Light @light323
thats awesome! ^^ whats your Favorite anime ?

Desie @desiehime
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Desie @desiehime
Mmmm Possibly Paradise Kiss.
I just have a soft spot for Josei anime.

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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