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Any other guy hate the fact they're always kinda horny? :/

This is a serious post, serious replies only please. (you can joke around a little but stay on topic please) [warning: no cute Jo in this thread, a lot of swears and me just talking my mind] I just kind of wanted to rant. I know, I can post it in the rant post, or like even my personal thread that I have, but I'd like to hear your guys' opinion on it. I know, guys being horny is just animal instinct. But fuck it. I just fucking hate it. I was sexually inactive for like 4 months, and now this shit happens. Like, why do I feel like I need to capitalize on any opportunity to get sex, to beat my meat, to feel like I want to have sex with anything in my fucking room, like what the actual fuck it's just WEIRD. Of course, being sexual.. it doesn't feel like it's bad or anything. But I just want to have normal thought sometime. Be able to appreciate normal thoughts, instead of having these sexual thoughts cross my mind every time I see a person. Like it's fucking ridiculous. Can I just relax? I really don't mind being sexual, but I do, if you get what I mean. It's in our nature to be like this, so I naturally don't mind it and of course, masturbating feels pretty alright, but god DAMN would I just appreciate to be able to not think of anything of a fuckable object. Fucking fuck off, like F2U$I81bg7ui82yhgvb4 2uiyhjk. I am fully in control of myself, always. Of course I am. But once I see tits, thighs, any body, irrational thought takes over my mind for a sec and IT'S JUST SO INTRUSIVE. I just want to be able to appreciate a view, without that one female wearing shorts that walks past, and my eyes instantly having to snap on to her. I could resist the impulse, but you know. I kinda wanna look on the other hand, you know what I'm saying? It's honestly a love hate relationship. I wish I could just be a cute boy, you know. Just innocent. I wish other people could look at me and say: He doesn't masturbate, no way. But it's not that way. Everybody knows you and I masturbate, whether it's daily or monthly, I don't care. It's just dirty. I just want to be cute, that's all. These thoughts make me so confused. I don't know whether I like them or not, and it's probably leaning more to the dislike side of things. Also, fuck attention whores. ok bye
Lowkey the only regard in which I dislike myself is this. I hate nature. Nurture on the other hand, hecc yeah.
i just realized i'm probably the only one open enough about myself to say this in a thread, lmao. well, i'll wait and see if any of you guys respond, but i might just delete. not really feeling this thread all too well
Embrace the impulse. Don't suppress. I can't relate with post well because I'm completely at harmony with my lusts and restraints. I see a foxy a girl and I'll sneak my looks and imagine my perversions and I'll be damn proud of myself. I manage my hornyness by not separating my hornyness from myself as an individual. Its not something that affects me. Its something that I do. I'm a horny person. Of course I'm also very lite on my sexual relations and am often very picky about my partners. I don't feel a strong need to sleep with every hot girl. However I love enjoying their company... or daydreaming about them (or... nightdreaming ;))
It is our nature to impragnate girls so yeah we can't really surpress it.
healthy masturbation is always good for man and woman. So don't worry about it, it's completly natural if you want to do it Also it kinda depends, if you had an active sexual life ofc you would feel the sudden change and msot of the people feel horny (man or woman)
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Get castrated, that's about it. Sex/sexual desire are normal and if you think for one second that women don't get just as horny, you are horribly mistaken. Your problems seem to be from too much time to sit and think.
You just need to be enlightened like those monks up in the temples where they never have access to women or porn. For me im usually only horny whenever i get bored which is alot. If im preoccupied it slips my mind completely. Also sperm doesnt have an infinite life cycle sprem does go bad after a while and ur body needs to get rid of it so it doesnt affect the newer healthy ones. I think its weird you have little living organisms living in ur ballsack tho https://youtu.be/g0et1T1qryY
Yes, would love to calm my libido
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