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Mod Auditions

Jul 07, 19 at 4:00pm
Just don't make a needlessly long list. Lamby I'm sure you already trust some users more than other to nominate yourself. And please mention to sephiroth for a more realiable way to delete threads so the forum doesn't look like a shithole all the time.
Jul 07, 19 at 4:21pm
i havent read most of this thread, a bit busy with irl shit but ill address whisp im writing them down for confirmations and so i dont forget honestly xD and the main reason im emailing him is for the deleting threads issue, and any other issues you have i can mention, just try and keep them immediate issues
melk @melk commented on Mod Auditions
Jul 07, 19 at 5:25pm
@panda maybe wait a sec? 2015 is long time to be loyal.
This account has been suspended.
I will... if nobody else wants to...
Jul 09, 19 at 12:06am
"TheSailingTeacup should be a mod too. Shes usually outside of drama" I'm sorry to say but I disagree.
I vote Teacup
Jul 09, 19 at 12:44am
I vote choco. He's a good man.
meanwhile burninghalo and panda wanted to be mods but aren't on the list :P
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