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how do i find a GF with my interests in real life?

For a long time i have been looking to get a girlfriend. I was always either to shy to ask a girl out or was just spending too much time at home playing video games, watching anime and spending time with the few friends i got instead of going out and meeting new people. I like what i do i love anime and video gamesbut is it preventing me from finding love? i dont know what to do, where to find girls that like anime and gaming. can you guys give me some advice?
So you are in Germany? Some cities have communities. Local gaming/anime communities that people started that meet regularly. You could meet new people if there is one near you. Some people also have tabletop/card game groups. No guarantee you would find someone though. These local communities are more just hanging out or making friends. Unless you just hit it off well with someone. The males tend outnumber the females, but females do go to these things. Some people go to bars and clubs. If you go there though you'll have to get to know people to find out there interests. You will probably not catch me at a bar/club though, but lots of people like to drink.
Step 1: Find gf online Step 2: One of you travels to see the other. irl gf acquired
Asking here is like asking a blind man how to see. If all of those who answered knew, they themselves would not be single. THERE IS NO GUARANTEED WAY. (Just a hint, I am not single, nor am I dating. I'm married.) Go out, talk, get hobbies and form friendships. You're only eighteen and needn't worry about this sort of thing. Let nature take it's course and just see what happens when you take a chance on bettering yourself.
It's not exactly the best idea because it happens not often in a year but try to meet at a con. Or if you have a local game store, manga store, video game place, comic book store, etc. it can be easier to meet someone. If you always stay at home you'll never meet someone offline ^^
when you find out let me know.
Well, Mob, I don’t know what to tell ya. How about you just relax, forget about all that. Keep doing what you do best and make money off of me, ole Reigen Arataka
Relationships are over rated. Real life interaction just means they can see your face and want to punch you for daring to question their superiority. You're less likely to find a girlfriend outdoors if your interests are indoors. I'm not kidding here. Loners like me used to fantasize about real relationships because others told us they were wonderful. But I eventually found that humans are total morons, and I'm better off staying indoors and out of the way, only leaving when I absolutely have to for work or food. I haven't been to a social event or even been on social media more than an hour a day for a whole year. That sounds sad on the surface, but I like being alone. It's a comfort zone I never benefited from leaving. People may tell you "You're missing out on real life" but real life is truthfully a bunch of shallow, self righteous pricks in a constant race to step on others to get to a top they really have no interest in. In a very real sense, money talks. People just babble angrily when they don't get their way. The whole "find someone online" thing is truthfully your best bet. I met someone this way, and it was wonderful having someone who would talk to me and he was really kind when I eventually moved in with him. (My voice doesn't work, I'm a mute. This makes relationships more hell than they already were!) Then he died in a car accident. Rest in peace. Since he died, I've missed him because he was amazing, but I've never been lonely unless I fantasize about the lies people tell about the real world. The world sucks. ON THE OTHER HAND!!! I had love once, so I know it's physically possible. The thing is, it's not about gettin' a bunch of girls and choosing the sexiest one. It's also not about finding your genderbend. Find someone of your sexual preference who you can talk to like a friend, someone who listens and cares but is also a person of their own. Find someone you enjoy talking to, that's the real trick. Maybe that person will be at a college campus game night your friend invites you to attend? Or maybe they're the only one online in the discord server you chat in occasionally? Love isn't an intense race, it's a miracle that happens to a lot of people.
Insert any anime con. They're all over the place there. Now finding single otaku/gaming women who like what you have to offer. That part is tricky.
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