MO Fighting Game Community

Aka-san @redhawk
MO Fighting Game Community
Aka-san @redhawk
Just post what you play on (PC, Ps4 or Xbox) and what games you play often or own, and if you play on a pad or stick. Would be nice to start a fighting game Community here on MO and maybe host some Fight Nights.
System: Ps4
Games: Street Fighter 30th Anniversary, Soul Calibur VI, Guilty Gear Rev 2, Street Fighter V Arcade Edition, Dragonball FighterZ, Tekken 7, King of Fighters XIV, Injustice 2

Charlie, Emperor of Audio @suzi_swan
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MO Fighting Game Community
Charlie, Emperor of Audio @suzi_swan
I notice a distict lack of Smash.

正義の味方 @gundamu
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MO Fighting Game Community
正義の味方 @gundamu
I'm on PS4
Games: Street Fighter V, Dragonball FighterZ, Tekken 7, Soul Calibur VI, Dead or Alive 6, Mortal Kombat 11, King of Fighters XIV, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st], BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, Guilty Gear Rev 2

Dood @kettledood
commented on
MO Fighting Game Community
Dood @kettledood
Damn having a fight night sounds fun
Uhh got most of the fighting games on PS4 and PC
I play UMVC3, KOFXIV, DBFZ, UNIST, GG Xrd Rev 2, Tekken7, and anything else if a friend is playing it

Onizuka @averageboss
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MO Fighting Game Community
Onizuka @averageboss
Really just Smash and the Blazblue games atm. And the latter is mostly for the batshit insane anime trope fest of a plot.

Excaliborg @excaliborg
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MO Fighting Game Community
Excaliborg @excaliborg
North America Server
PC games: most of my time are on Tekken, Also have SFV UNIST and DBFZ if anyone wants to play
Ps4 games sadly i only have tekken and JoJo Eyes Of Heaven
@kettledood do you have unist and tek7 on pc? lets play if you do!

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
MO Fighting Game Community
正義の味方 @gundamu
Oh I forgot to add. I also have soul calibur and tekken 7 on pc also. I have UNIEL on PC too but not UNIST

kojiro00 @kojiro00
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MO Fighting Game Community
kojiro00 @kojiro00
I only smash, i might try granblue fantasy versus.

Dood @kettledood
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MO Fighting Game Community
Dood @kettledood
@Exaliborg yeah I do have unist might buy Tekken on pc soon

Baka @reinhardt76
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MO Fighting Game Community
Baka @reinhardt76
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