Dumb D&D and other RPG stories

zestybasilpizza @zestybasilpizza
Dumb D&D and other RPG stories
zestybasilpizza @zestybasilpizza
I know at least sine of you gave time have played D&D or another tabletop rpg like it, I want to hear your dumb stories!
Probably my favorite thing to happen in a campaign is when my group's DM expected the whole party to go down to fight a wererat in a hidden tunnel we found.
Instead my dumb halflung rougue ran in with the ranger who kept rolling duds and was halfway killed (and definitely infected) before we got away.
However our DM didn't really think through what a wererat player would mean. Mostly that lycanthropes have damage immunity to most basic attacks.
And so now I have a wererat halfling who has not taken any damage for the last three battles because she keeps forgetting to give people magic or silver weapons.
So yeah any dumb/plot breaking B's you've done?

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
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Dumb D&D and other RPG stories
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
Funny. But I don't expect every encounters to suddenly have silver weapons because a player is a Were.
I think the dumbest think one of my player did in my game is this:
There was a cave near the shore. There were rumors of a witch inhabiting it. Inside the cave, the party stopped in front of a good wood barricade. Instead of breaking in, they started a fire with the barricade and waited for the smoke to force the witch to get out. There was actually a druid inside the cave and she simply polymorphed and escaped away with a burrow speed.
In the end, the rising tide went inside the cave, extinguishing the fire and the party went inside. While the party was looting the cave, the barbarian went in an other room. He found a chest submerged in about a feet of water and opened it. Trap. Fails everything. Unconscious for 1d3 hours. By the time the party finished exploring the cave and found the barbarian, he drowned in a feet of water. I even asked the players if they should check out where the barbarian went, but they were really focused on the notes and symbols the "witch" left behind her. It was a pretty great fail.

cupcakerin @cupcakerin
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Dumb D&D and other RPG stories
cupcakerin @cupcakerin
Agreed on silver weapons. If there was a faction of anti-were that all had silver weapons and they were actively trying to get a wereplayer, that would be fine.
I was in a one-shot campaign and it was the DM's first game and the plot involved a god and he randomly chose Tyr out of laziness and because it didn't matter much, but we're playing in french. Tyr sounds exactly like "tire", which is french for shoot. Every time a npc mentioned Tyr, one player with a crossbow would pretend to aim it and ask "SHOOT? SHOOT WHERE?!" It didn't take long before the player with a bow joined in the fun.
Then a npc pretended to be on our side, then made us fall in a trap and ran away. The joke reached its peak hilarity when we caught up on the npc and he said "I will serve Tyr to my death!" The crossbow player said "SHOOT? OK I SHOOT HIM!" and rolled his dice.

zestybasilpizza @zestybasilpizza
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Dumb D&D and other RPG stories
zestybasilpizza @zestybasilpizza
Gotta love when players forget to give a crap about the rest of the team. And to be fair, any magical damage hurts lycanthropes. Our DM just had planned on a series of skeleton fights. Who didn't have magic bones.
Another fun session I had was with a new dm trying to run a premade module, something with goblins.
The party gets to the cafe and immediately run into a bugbear, who's rolling 20+ on every roll to hit and dealing 10 damage per blow (mind you the party was all level 1/2). After about the rounds of one shots our only experienced player decided to look at what was going on.
Turns out the bugbear had a weapon with a minor enchantment, and our DM had no idea how it was actually supposed to work, and had been adding way too much to every roll
Good times
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