Introducing maaaself

Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
Introducing maaaself
Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
Yo guys wassup!! My name is Assem, I am new here, I'm gamer/Otaku, I play LoL Tera DN B&S and a lot me, I watch every kinds of anime .I'm 19 or 20 years old ( don`t remember exactly xD)

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
commented on
Introducing maaaself
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
This account has been suspended.

Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
commented on
Introducing maaaself
Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
hezzo hezzo :D

CAC @cac
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Introducing maaaself
CAC @cac

Princess Vegeta @princevegetachan
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Introducing maaaself
Princess Vegeta @princevegetachan
*Dang you Kakarot for making me do this* Welcome to MO and enjoy your stay here

Jessie @erendel
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Introducing maaaself
Jessie @erendel
Hello Assem, welcome.

Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
commented on
Introducing maaaself
Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
Thanks yall ❤❤❤

bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
commented on
Introducing maaaself
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
Hey dude fancy seeing you here!
>Bashful_Hubris: Has left the chat.

Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
commented on
Introducing maaaself
Assem A. Farid @thecocoman
Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm xDDDDD

T @arigatogyro
commented on
Introducing maaaself
T @arigatogyro
Welcome man
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