Site discord?

Cam @camcalhoun
Site discord?
Cam @camcalhoun
with all the people that seem to use discord on here we should have a proper server, anyone else think that would be fun? I'd be down to make one for those interested in joining, that is if it isn't already a thing

Lildiscordia @lildiscordia
commented on
Site discord?
Lildiscordia @lildiscordia
I'd be down for it if enough people join in and if the Discord has proper moderators.

CAC @cac
commented on
Site discord?
CAC @cac
There are already several.

. @vezax
commented on
Site discord?
. @vezax
Yeah there are tonnes of them

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Site discord?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Basically that.

CAC @cac
commented on
Site discord?
CAC @cac
Try the one from this thread since no one else is linking....

Cam @camcalhoun
commented on
Site discord?
Cam @camcalhoun
ok cool, ty cac
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