The Immigrate Caravan

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
The Immigrate Caravan
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
You all have heard it by now, What are your opinions on it, and what we should do about it?

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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The Immigrate Caravan
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
I wouldn't mind paying off the Mexican government to mobilize their police and armed forces to intercept them. But I support President Trump's decision to mobilize the troops and build the wall.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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The Immigrate Caravan
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jodokon @jodokon
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The Immigrate Caravan
jodokon @jodokon
Honestly this isn’t a caravan...just an invasion, I say close off the border, but then again Commiefornia will gladly let them in.

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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The Immigrate Caravan
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Jokodon and Daggerfella are right. The People's Republic of California, and Democrat politicians know that most of these people are barely literate or illiterate people with little to no skill thinking they can find better money by working in the US. The Democrats also know that most of these people favor the same socialist/social-democratic policies their party tries to push so that is why they want open borders and unrestricted immigration from Latin America and openly admit they want to alter the demographics of this country even more than they have already been altered so they can have a permanent support base of illiterate, unskilled immigrants who depend on the welfare state who will vote Democrat. That is also why they try to decry voter ID laws as "racist", because they know that there are 10-20 million illegal aliens here and most people would find it far-fetched none of them has voted illegally.

inter_change @inter_change
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The Immigrate Caravan
inter_change @inter_change
They're hardly an unstoppable force. But no WTF.
I leave USA and I have to have a passport and I'm sometimes questioned by foreign officials and then the same on the return. lol these people think they can just come in at will no IDs zero documentation.

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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The Immigrate Caravan
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Tbh it seems like the whole boomer bomber has taken over media and they keep not putting coverage on the caravan outside of “let them in” plus there’s more problems then migrants apparently in the caravan along with members of the “Certain groups” that were captured the Honduran President said which was confirmed by Mike pence in a clip saying that to like msnbc iirc about capturing those people. There was also things about leftist organizations, the Red Cross, a poster pretty much telling them to repeat the same thing about violence and education being bad, a Jewish star on a truck, something about help from the UN and stuff pre built rafts that I saw also definitely in the 10+ thousand range after seeing pictures.
It’s pretty crazy even if it was completely peaceful and we happen to let them in there is literally no way we could support them in this current economy at all

densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
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The Immigrate Caravan
densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
I think we should definitely not let them in. While I do disagree with a number of the right-wing conspiracies already starting to pop up in this thread as well as the fucking wall, I do think it is perfectly likely that there are some baddies among this group of THOUSANDS of people. I most definitely don't agree with the lefties' notion of "let's just let in everyone!". I feel for the people that are attempting to flee gang/cartel violence and such, but we have our own problems to deal with here in America. We shouldn't be letting in thousands of people that are going to be little more than economic and cultural drags on the country. But frankly, I don't actually know what would be a good way to deter a group this immense beyond military force, and I don't like that idea either...

MioIsMyWaifu @mioismywaifu
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The Immigrate Caravan
MioIsMyWaifu @mioismywaifu
I'm not going to lie, the idea of building a wall seems like a really dumb idea. I guess if you want to take the position that all government spending should be done for memes or whatever, if we agree that government spending should be focused on what the best meme is, then I guess you could go for it, but this is very much an untenable position. America should be investing into its infrastructure and education system instead of spending billions of dollars on a wall.
Mexican immigration, in general, has been in decline for the last decade or so. Mexico also seems to be improving markedly over the past decade, which is what people generally link the decline of illegal immigrants to. Why wouldnt we just try and help Mexico get control over their own country instead of just putting a wall in place and pretending that the problem doesnt exist? Especially seeing how they are one of our largest trade partners (primarily in the automobile industry), and seeing how our economy is dependent on them, it just seems like a better solution than a wall.
In terms of immigration in general, I think that the main reason why border enforcement is necessary is because we have social programs. I think the best solution to the problem would just be to restrict welfare if you're coming here from another place because we dont want people to come here just to leech off the government. Until we do this, we probably shouldnt just let them in.
As for the people who are already here, pragmatically speaking I think we should just grant them amnesty and bring them under the tax base, seeing how it would be easier to regulate them then. I dont think that they should be shipped back. I think that we should just acknowledge that there has been a major fuckup with how we are handling immigration and just giving amnesty to these people would be a lot easier, a lot more pragmatic and would lead to a lot more positives than shipping them back.

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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The Immigrate Caravan
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Here’s the thing MIO if we had the wall across the whole border and we wouldn’t have to worry bout democrats blocking legislation at every turn because of bolstered patriotism and it would be trump keeping a promise and help with Republican primaries, also on infrastructure and other things we’re fucked and there’s no way to actually do that since most education is obviously shit anyways so it’d be like investing into shit. There’s so much talk of education improvement but like what can we even phisically improve besides just giving money to schools and it will be spent on what ever. The wall on the other hand would bolster patriotism in Normies regardless whether it had an effect which could inadvertently lead to electing more right leaning people and help republicans stop being pussies and maybe say “If trump can win maybe I can win to” which would help further elections down the line.
Here’s the thing the NORMIES on the right and the left are a large majority and getting those people to bolstered in a political upheaval is important.
The wall isn’t about it being dumb and you can scoff and laugh all you like but that’s what would happen regardless whether I agree with the wall or not.
As for the right wing conspiracies smh... the critique of “Its dumb because It’s not smart” is kinda a wash @Densetsu. The wall does have a crowd funding site ontop of what money they can spare from the gov. Since the Dems will never agree to spending it’ll take time to build. Don’t just say conspiracies just for the sake of conspiracies cause it’s incredibly dissmissive just so the semi permiable membrane of what your viewing can just filter in “I don’t agree with the left”. On the note of the conspiracies, again, just go look at things I’m not telling you to believe them just cause you don’t like them doesn’t really add much to anything in a claim to call conspiracy even though it’s being stated as a recount/a recall and not as a theory of actions playing out being save for the rafts. You can be skeptical and not be conspiratorial and wait till full confirmation.
It’s kinda a low hanging fruit to say we should invest in infrastructure and education that has been repeated and repeated its talked about but never implemented, secondly You should never make the point of America helping others if we need the money as you say to re invest back in us cause that takes money to. You can’t help others if you can’t help yourself i.e people being pissy till this day when America puts their hands on things sadly. Even if we did help others how do we know it won’t go back into ruin within the next presidency even if something’s fixed because of how horrible polarizing America is. Also securing the border first to most would “Pragmatically” speaking be the best thing to do sadly I doubt it’s going to happen, or at least not for a while because the cock blocking if ever at all.
With the amnesty, acknowledgment of the fuck up doesn’t really solve anything there is no way that anyone would give them full amnesty on either side tbh or oneside to even acknowledge the fuck up. It’s more realistic to believe a lot are gonna get deported unless NeoCons and Big business try their best to keep them here even harder or the left’s idea of humanitarianism will let more and more in so even if they come in and are put in your “tax base” it’s incredibly doubtful with the welfare state and other things going on that could possibly conceived with out someone else paying out of their pocket to put that into action in the first place as law and then what ever else would be imposed. In the end it becomes a “Nice idea” that both sides would poke their shit filled hands in.
On the use of the military, considering illegals come in all the time apparently, using the “Army” as trump said to block them also is another step to bolster nationalism and trumps base as well as bring attention tie the immigration problem regardless whether trump knows he’s doing it or not, but all we know is America is sending its forces is what’s going on. At this point no one knows what trumps form of “Stopping them” is or what he’s gonna do once the troop is gonna get there. Obviously you wouldn’t say it out loud on twitter until it’s time to do it cause it’s pretty stupid to say the details of plan.
Here’s the really big thing, you may dislike the ideas but the ideas don’t care, this is all that the administration has at this point with philipant moderates,republicans, and democrats also going “WE DONT LIKE THE IDEA BECAUSE ITS DUMB” (In their pre disposed perception ofc). So it comes down to slogans and what seems like a great idea to the avg. normie American on siding with either or ingroup whilst demonizing the other moderate or not. Then it’s becomes A. The wall is dumb and it’s stupid it could be going towards others things we should pay for (By pay for imo most likely more “Programs” and what ever else that we don’t know about, Since America just seems to suck hit ass at spending) or B. Build the wall keep them out (It’s easier to grasp to create a rise in patriotism and then leading to what I’ve said earlier about voting, regardless whether said idea X is right or wrong if an easily grasped idea is proposed people will rally behind which is what the left has done for a while now) or C. You end up just watching things unfold for either side until your hand is forced
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