Anyone still play old pokemon gens?

Twigloo @treez_
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
Twigloo @treez_
Ugh, I get so nostalgic about this stuff. I still play pokemon pearl on my bus to school because idgaf and that game brings back so many memories it brings a tear to my eyes.

Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
Gen 2 for me!
Maybe once in a while I'll go and replay some of the other gens, but I am more likely to go back to Gen 1 and 2, mainly 2 though.

Twigloo @treez_
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
Twigloo @treez_
Ouu see I only started playing when I was around 6 or 7 and I never owned a gameboy. I did eventually play gen 3 but never 1 or 2, and tbh I probably never will; those games feel waaaaay too old school

NiseZen @nisezen
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
NiseZen @nisezen
Yeet my dude. LeafGreen is my jam!!

Laughing Fox @laughingfox
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
Laughing Fox @laughingfox
I stopped at Crystal- started at Yellow...might revisit someday..

Unknown @drygolin
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
Unknown @drygolin
Crystal, Ruby and Yellow are still my top 3.

Pumpkin Monk @pumpkinmonk
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
Pumpkin Monk @pumpkinmonk
Just romhacks. Red++ is great.

midnightmoonlight @midnightmoonlight
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
midnightmoonlight @midnightmoonlight
I used to be a collector, but played each one, picture is a few years old but I havent added much to it for some time

rayelight @rayelight
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
rayelight @rayelight
Crystal is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. Not playing it will never be an option.

dekudan @dekudan
commented on
Anyone still play old pokemon gens?
dekudan @dekudan
I play Fire Red pretty much regularly, I have an emulator on my phone. Err, I mean, I play it legally on my legit Gameboy Advance
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