Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?

XxsakurakixX @xxsakurakixx
Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
XxsakurakixX @xxsakurakixx
who likes em?

Megumixteafanatic @megumixteafanatic
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
Megumixteafanatic @megumixteafanatic
I'm still following Hitman Reborn...weekly. Pandora hearts and Kuroshitsuji is just a win (I know no one says that anymore but its true).

otoburikid @otoburikid
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
otoburikid @otoburikid
well I watch reborn religiously

valkyrie_rufus @valkyrie_rufus
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
valkyrie_rufus @valkyrie_rufus
I loooove Kuroshitsuji! It's my no. 1 fave anime! Pandora Hearts is fourth!^-^

LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
Kuroshitshuji and Pandora Hearts are some of my top favs to read/watch. I haven't gotten to Hitman reborn but I hope to get to it one of these days

Amasun @amasun
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
Amasun @amasun
I love the art for Kuroshitsuji and I've been working my way through Hitman Reborn especially as DoAsInfinity has done some really awsome cosplay for it! >.<

XxsakurakixX @xxsakurakixx
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
XxsakurakixX @xxsakurakixx
And hetalia 8D I think we should have a rp form if you have msn please add me
it is so hard to find people who like this

YunaFiore @yunafiore
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
YunaFiore @yunafiore
I love Kuroshitsuji so much I <3 Sebastian and Ciel(as you can tell from my pics) :3 and Katekyo Hitman Reborn :3 (I've cosplayed as TYL Hibari)
Pandora Hearts is a great series also (might do an Alice cosplay next year for Akon XDD)

MaRawr @marawr
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
MaRawr @marawr
I need to watch more reborn since I want to cosplay Ken for ALA. *flails* the only thing that bugs me is that hitman is like filler for the first 15 episodes >.>;;

ninjagurl224 @ninjagurl224
commented on
Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
ninjagurl224 @ninjagurl224
im a fan of all 3 and just finished khr not too long ago it was awsome but they are all awsome
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