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Save sex for marriage?

Sep 23, 18 at 9:44pm
Even in the past when I might have considered marriage I would never have been able to wait. More power to those that want to and can.
Viable? I mean, it can happen. Likely? Not very. No one is any better or worse for either choice. The problem with waiting, in my opinion, is you'll put sex on a very high pedestal and be sadly disappointed that it's not some sort of life altering magical experience. Not to mention, again just my opinion, it's nice to know if you're sexually compatible or not. All the love in the world will not make a bad sex life, good.
I'd believe somebody when they told me they were keeping it for marriage if this were the 1950's or before but nobody actually does that nowadays. I don't care how christian 2 people are, if they've been in a relationship for a long time, they've fucked.
It'd be easy for me, but not everyone is demi-sexual, and I actually don't recommend it. If sex is important to you, make sure you have the sexual chemistry right before you fasten the wrist to them for life.
Sex before marriage... society has been to far shit showed on both ends of the spectrum tbh though it’s clearly on one side now. Except now the goal is a wam bam before I die, since tradionalism has been going for broke and deteriorating for a while for poly life styles, relationships lasting to 6 months then dying, etc. to much stuff. Sex now a days is desired more as a recreation rather than to make babies or have a family or even as something special, it’s just what a lot of people do. From here I can see it just seems like a cheesy last ditch effort to have an “experience” and it looks like it’s neither worth it or worth it. Sex first love later/ after right? Also @yasshat someone could argue the inverse of your statement saying by everyone wanting to have sex before marriage and doing it so much, that it in itself puts it on a pedestal with in the first world culturally. where as waiting till marriage could be argued an individual is putting sex on a pedestal over a person waiting for the right person to be with first, over having just the sex, because they’ll be with that person for a while not because of sex (for most) but because that’s who they want to be with with sex as a bi product, till they get divorced that is since a lot of ppl like to do that to. This what I’d be careful of in saying sex after marriage puts it on a pedestal that someone would respond with, and another would critique that response back with something just as interchangeable.
You should save yourself for marriage, but with the way society raises its women to be whores and raises its men to be barbarians it rarely happens.
And raises others to sound pompous.
It doesn't make someone pompous because they have reasonable standards.
Absolutely not, but saying those who choose otherwise are "whores" and "barbarians" does.
Well what else should I call a woman who lives her 20s riding the cock carousel until she's unmarryable and a man who thinks the biggest achievement he could have in his life would be to sleep with as many women as he can without giving them anything in return?
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