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Any advice one how to get a girl friend

There is no sure fire way. Romance isn't something you just go out and get as if you're buying something. Trial and error. Make friends, talk more with people, be approachable and most importantly, don't go out of your way to look. In other words, focus on life, keep an eye open, but never stress yourself and think that you must find romance. When it comes, it'll come. Now relax and enjoy life.
The best thing to do is work on yourself. It’s the only person you can truly and immediately change if you want something enough, a GF and new friends will follow after. Just work on your goals and find people along the way who’re like minded, and with that you’ll bring up your self confidence maybe attract someone. Confidence + Working On one’s self
If you're spending most of your time to yourself and online that's the no.1 thing to change. Go to events that you can meet like-minded people at (like conventions or hobby cl ubs) and frequent them, make friends and expand out. Make sure you're appealing too. Join LGBT commuities in your area like last, if you don't know where to find girls that like girls they can point you to other people etc etc but don't go there first. They tend to be more "muh sexuality than "muh personality".
Also looks wise 20-40% not meaning how you look but just Hygiene if ur out and about or post a selfie somewhere and clothes. The rest of it should be working on your personality and being “You”. If your not comfortable with who you are then a significant other also might now be. Makes sure they are attracted to the real You
I think going out is also important. Try socializing in places you don’t frequent often.
Just try being an honest decent friendly person and people will take note and start to like you and things will go from there. Try not to rely too much on the internet for that matter and try to meet people offline. You'll have much better odds of things working out that way even if it feels easier to meet people and talk to them online.
Just say to a girl that you love her and she will say "I think we're just friends". Now you've got a new friend :D
Don't act like anyone on here.
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