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Anonymous confessions!

Aug 13, 18 at 6:45am
#1539 SCP Announcement Warning WARNING WARNING Warning WARNING WARNING containment Breach detected possible sabotage Entity known as SCP-1715 Has escaped This site will now be under the protection of scp foundation Until Entity has been captured please log out according for safety Measures and no Contact with other members of MO. Repeat This site will now be under the protection of scp foundation Until Entity has been captured please log out according for safety Measures and no Contact with other members of MO. Warning WARNING WARNING Warning WARNING WARNING
Aug 13, 18 at 6:46am
#1540 i have a secret crush on pedo kid and i really want my gf to fuck him -cuck cadet
Aug 13, 18 at 6:51am
This account has been suspended.
Aug 13, 18 at 6:57am
@1538: RIP Yeah I have no idea about SCP.
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0QjVbohrGdL this one was a bit longer because i didn't like have anything i wanted to say beforehand so it was kinda like improvised in a way PS: love you all <3
@1529 Always take the irl pedo test, never the online one~
kid taking irl pedo test and seeing a loli https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/gettyimages-493656728.jpg
You wish panda xD
Aug 13, 18 at 9:14am
@yestotally: you really need to let out what you need to for your uncle it sounds like.
@1536 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... yeah no.
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