Hiya new here^^

Fujoshi Girl @girlwholovesanime
Hiya new here^^
Fujoshi Girl @girlwholovesanime
I'm a Fujoshi and anime lover
I love to look at cute anime boy's because I can't find real love so anime love haha^^ Anyway hiya I'm a anime fan and yaoi lover, nice to meet you all

- @saltypretzel
commented on
Hiya new here^^
- @saltypretzel

Fujoshi Girl @girlwholovesanime
commented on
Hiya new here^^
Fujoshi Girl @girlwholovesanime

Haha hiya and thanks

CAC @cac
commented on
Hiya new here^^
CAC @cac
Welcome to the site :)

weebian @weebian
commented on
Hiya new here^^
weebian @weebian
Welcome :D

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Hiya new here^^
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
Welcome to MO
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