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Hi everyone, I'm technically not a new member, but am a returning member who hasn't been active for about 3 years. I thought I'd give MaiOtaku another shot and have updated my profile and anime list. The 2018 Anime Expo is coming up which I'll be volunteering at for the 4th time in a row and I hope to find someone here to go with. :) I'm also currently studying Japanese if you couldn't tell by the title. こんばんわ means good-evening (it's 5:40 pm where I'm at now.) よろしくおねがいします(Pleased to meet you all)
Welcome back and best of luck to you.
.。゚+.ヽ| ゝ∀・*|ノ。+.゚
May 07, 18 at 12:54pm
こんばんは! :) It's read KonbanWA but you actually write it KonbanHA ( literally " this evening is " ) Welcome back! :D こちらこそよろしく!~ ^-^/~
ようこそ! MaiOtakuへ! この空間はとても恐ろしいところです、どうかお気を付けください。 @fuminori https://i.imgur.com/NHWoE5v.png OP's spelling definitely works too, it's not proper grammar officially but honestly it's on the same level of like American English versus Commonwealth English, things like "Colour" versus "Color" Some people use "わ" instead of "は" as a nod to "和"(harmony, peace) it's a kanji that very much represent classic Japanese values especially considering it also literally means "Japan" or "Japanese-styled". All together it's a way of spelling "こんばんは" that comes off as more friendly, pleasant, less formal, etc.
@fuminori Oops, I just checked my textbook and you're correct. Well like I said, I'm still learning ^^; @Otakaiser Aw, interesting, that's good to know :)
May 08, 18 at 10:34am
No worries mate, we're all learning while we live :D @Otakaiser, you learn something new every day! :)
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