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My ideal type of otaku girlfriend that I want

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ohnoes is right - you've only listed the things YOU want. It's fine for you to do that, but you need to have something to offer in return. Girls don't go around dating sites looking for guys that they can offer something to, I can't imagine many are going to look at your post and think 'Hey, that's me! Well I must message this guy!' They'll generally be looking for things they have in common (hobbies and such) and things that you can offer them. Or you could luck out like me and Sherflow by just talking to a gal without thinking about a relationship etc - these things happen when you're least expecting it, and hardly ever when you're actively looking. Be active in the forums, talk to people - but don't creep, chin up, and good luck. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/847/458/cc8.png
You guys are giving him advice to be a socially correct person looking for a girlfriend. He wants a fuck buddy and Idk why he's looking on MO. But yeah, stop trying to fix his ethics cause it won't work. He just needs to move to China and find an NSFW cosplayer for him to smash and put on xvideos. lul Like forreal, he's trying something that seems impossible, but it really isn't impossible in lots of Asian countries. Obviously I don't think what he wants is right. I think valuing someones worth from their personality, common interests, and how you two spark is all that matters in relationships (not just dating but friends/family/co-workers) and if he happens to find someone looking for the same shit there's not necessarily a problem with that. It's just really unwise to go about the way he is doing so.
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This guy is either here to troll/meme or has borderline aspbergers.
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