Please god let me meet her

pixeldrako @pixeldrako
Please god let me meet her
pixeldrako @pixeldrako
Please God, let me meet her. All I want to is to find that perfect girl I know exists. She’s sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do, perhaps even is on this site itself. The girl who won’t secretly think I’m a loser, the girl I can cuddle with (even if only possible online) and spent nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness. Someone who can reciprocate the love I put in, the girl who I can make feel safe and secure unconditionally and can fill this gaping, empty void in my heart.
Please, just let me find this person. I’ll change everything about me if that’s what it takes Please, I just can’t take the loneliness anymore.

Nobody @muffster
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Please god let me meet her
Nobody @muffster
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Key @key17
commented on
Please god let me meet her
Key @key17
...You have some serious self esteem issues budy. A girlfriend alone won't fix that.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Please god let me meet her
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Look bud, No girl, will make your life happy if it's not already something you can enjoy. You have to love yourself, and have some self respect, or you'll take the first girl that ever shows interest in you, and you'll settle for someone that you aren't crazy about. Which is a recipe for disaster.
Work on yourself and your life to make it a great one, And women themselves will come to you.

Key @key17
commented on
Please god let me meet her
Key @key17
Gotta be a troll.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Please god let me meet her
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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