Songs that have a special meaning to you

KuroK @kurok
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
KuroK @kurok
One of the worst but best days of my life

Randoms @randomspersons
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
Randoms @randomspersons
Yup... I think this just about sums up my life.

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
I was in amidst of a mental breakdown. It was the first time ever I've opened up to someone about my past, I was so scared of losing that person, thinking he'd leave me after knowing my underlying flaws and change his viewpoint of me, but he didn't. A good listener, he heard my cries, sang me this song with the best of his efforts. I really can't thank him enough for that.

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
foo_fighter @foo_fighter I listen to this when I'm down

am_ @am_
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
am_ @am_
The anime context doesn't mean anything related to the reason why those songs marked me.
Only trigger's something when I sing it, it looses all it's power on me else :
(this one hold diffrent a meaning to others when they hear me sing it, it depends on how they interprete my interpretation.)

riskman @riskman
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
riskman @riskman

Lamby @momoichi
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
Lamby @momoichi
american pie is the first song me and my bf sang along to
its also a song i grew up with, listen to a lot on road trips, and sang along with my mother with too
if it comes on the radio, 10/10 i have to sing it (along with anyone else in the car)

Cero @cero
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
Cero @cero
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IDC @lovemyweird
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
IDC @lovemyweird
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永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
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Songs that have a special meaning to you
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
Lunar Silver Star Harmony's opening, titled "Wings" sung by Jennifer Stigile.
I really love this video game opening a lot! There's also the original PS1 opening from Lunar Silver Star Story Complete. But honestly, I like Silver Star Harmony's version of this opening more. The original sounds beautiful don't get me wrong, and I really like it still. Jenny Stigile's a great singer. And honestly she has a bit more vocal energy in Silver Star Story Complete compared to Harmony.
But the lyrics doesn't make sense. Whoever was responsible for translating the lyrics from the Japanese version just made up the lyrics. It's charming in its own way for sure and that's the reason why I like it. The lyrics in Lunar Silver Star Harmony is much more closer in spirit to the original Japanese version. Also, I guess it's because of nostalgia but...Lunar Silver Star Harmony was my first introduction to the Lunar series when I was a senior in high school. The moment I saw this opening play, it brought immediate joy to my heart. It's just a magical feeling that reminds you of the good moments of your childhood again.
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