What Are You Watching Right Now?
swigga @swigga
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
swigga @swigga
Been watching faraway paladin recently just finished season 1
jodokon @jodokon
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
jodokon @jodokon
Just watched Halo season 2.
First 20 minutes were…..decent. The title theme song was surprisingly good.
Ghost @kuharido
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Ghost @kuharido
Started the Rose of Versailles. Been on my list for a while. Totally obsessed. I love all the romance, drama, and action.
毛球先生 @joemama711
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
毛球先生 @joemama711
Been enjoying this and Solo leveling
jodokon @jodokon
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
jodokon @jodokon
RT @rtae86
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
RT @rtae86
endscene918 @endscene918
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
endscene918 @endscene918
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
https://youtu.be/hJsuHxo_kJE?si=fJ6F4AqSv4T804zT the amount of ways Skyrim can be played with the mods, never ceases to amaze me. This is a prime example of why Skyrim will never die.
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVHJW5j7cYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUeAmI8v060
endscene918 @endscene918
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
endscene918 @endscene918
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