What Are You Watching Right Now?

Praxis @stazmae
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Praxis @stazmae
Just finished watching the new episode of... RUPAULS DRAG RACE ALL STARS 3, AWYASSS.
But right now, I'm trying to catch up with Voltron Legendary defender!
The intro gets me hooked-- BADAAA DAAAAA DA DA DA DUUUUUM

Lynes @lynesis
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Lynes @lynesis
I should be continuing with Voltron as well. I watched the first introductory episode but forgot to pick up on it afterward. It has great art and character personality too

Lynes @lynesis
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Lynes @lynesis
Watching movie No Game No Life: Zero

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Hell yea!

Lishifu @hakutaku
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Lishifu @hakutaku
I'm going to watch this later :P(At work now)

Cinnaminion. ♡ @cinnaminion
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Cinnaminion. ♡ @cinnaminion

cupofshinji @cupofshinji
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
cupofshinji @cupofshinji
Watching a post stream, about ducks.

Lynes @lynesis
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
Lynes @lynesis
That is interesting Shinji. Hits my curiosity
Cinnaminion that was an intense fight.
Mao what movie is that? my childhood horror film was things like Jiangshi and Chucky

. @vezax
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
. @vezax
woah when did no game no life's movie come out? shitt i am soo outdated about recent developments in anime world...

weirdpenguin @weirdpenguin
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What Are You Watching Right Now?
weirdpenguin @weirdpenguin
I just watched the seventh episode of overlord :D
:O i also didn't know that the movie came out!! :O I guess I'm off to watch that now x'D
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